Gather power (magic)

Something I've been toying with for lower fantasy settings.

The basic idea is that casters have no pool of power points to draw from. Instead casters (those with arcane background) must spend an action drawing power from ley lines or some mystical source.

Casters must spend an action pulling magical energy, gathering it. Casters make their casting skill roll. A successful draw gives the caster 2 power points plus 2 points per raise on the casting roll. Casters can now use the power points in subsequent rounds to cast spells. Casters can spend multiple turns drawing power adding to the pool the caster can spend.

The amount of power drawn could be adjusted by a number of story elements. Either the base or points per raise could be changed. For example being near a place of power, near ley lines, or possibly near the element that share a trapping with the spell. Taking an edge that adds power points could instead raise the amount of power points drawn.

I feel there should be a limit to the amount of power that can be drawn safely. My initial ideas was to base it on character rank, still thinking on this part.

This also brings in the option that magical items could add some power points, either very broad bonuses or narrowly focused bonuses.  For example a elven ring that adds a power point per raise, but only when in a forest. Or a rod of focus, base power points is 3 rather than two when used to draw magic.

Another item could be a device of spell storing, maybe an amulet that unused power points can be placed in for quick casting or added reserve to tap when drawn power runs out.

A gathering ceremony could be optional as well. Scrying out symbols of power with an elaborate ritual adding bonus power points. Something a mage might do when preparing to attack or preparing to be attacked.


  1. Love this idea.

    Suggestion for the Power limit, from an inexperienced gamer. ...

    Have the limit for Power that can be safely drawn equal to your Spirit Die.

    Each time you try to draw more than your limit, make a Vigor check to see if your body can handle it. On a success, Make a Gather Power roll at Half rate (you're already full, so you can't take as much Power).
    A Success with Raise, Make a Gather Power roll as normal (you successfully push your body beyond it's limits).
    A Failure, Make a Gather Power roll at half rate and suffer a level of Fatigue (you chose to take more Power than you could handle, now suffer the consequences).
    On a Critical Failure, gain a level of Fatigue and become Shaken (your body could not handle the strain).

    Recovery, recover one level of Fatigue every 5 minutes.
    Incapacitated Characters lose all Power Points and must make a Vigor check every 3 Rounds or suffer a Wound. This incapcitation effect can be removed with Healing, or in 5 minutes if character is still alive.

    It's dangerous to try and draw in more Power than your body can handle.

    1. I like your ideas very much. I love the idea of characters being able to risk gathering more power.

    2. I worry about using Spirt because it adds another Attribute to build up. I'd make it Smarts or your Magic die.

      However, I think it's cooler to make the are have Die and you can dangerously channel it by rolling an additional d6, with some major risk.

      Great ideas here.

    3. Very true on spirit. Maybe more power based on rank? What about d6 points+ rank. Characters can add a die. A roll of 1 on a single die causes fatigue. But pushing the extra d6 is harmful on snake eyes.

  2. Questions and comments:

    How long do the drawn PP's last? A minute? End of combat? End of "scene"? If they last too long, it won't be much different functionally than resting to recover max.

    Regarding magic items: another option might be rather than giving additional points, what if they gave a bonus to the casting roll made to gather power? Using your example of the elven ring, it'd give +2 to rolls to gather power, +4 in a forest.

    Of course, you could combine all the ideas for legendary items: a staff of the god of death, that gives an extra point per raise, +2 on gather power rolls, +4 in places of death (cemeteries, crypts, sites of mass battles) and can store 4 unused points. Only functions for AB: Miracles.

    Lastly, I also like the idea of having a slightly lower threshold for "max" PPs, and the ability to exceed that, with an element of risk.

    1. My idea was just to the end of combat or action scene. Which I know it not a unit of measurement. I like your take on magic items better than my own. Maybe max should be based on rank. Experienced mages can hold onto more power than lesser trained ones.


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